Corton House: | (01603) 620119
Brakendon Close: | (01603) 622957
We have a variety of activities including everything from prize bingo on Mondays to our ever more competitive Boccia competitions.
Example activities over the last few months:
Every other Monday Prize Bingo from 2pm
Tuesday morning we have our very popular exercise class led by Dorothy, one of our enthusiastic tenants
Tuesday afternoons is the ever more raucous team Boccia; you can hear the shouts of joy whenever someone scores 100
Wednesday at noon there is the opportunity to join Corton House for a Roast Dinner
Wednesday afternoon is time for Knit and Natter
Thursday morning is our popular coffee morning
Thursday afternoon the competition hots up with our carpet bowls
Regular worship services take place on Wednesdays and Sundays at Corton House and for those who wish to take part Holy Communion is available at Corton House twice monthly
Songs of Praise takes place in the Atrium at Brakendon Close fortnightly.
Throughout the year Lorraine helps organise various outings that the tenants can choose to participate in - recent highlights include: Garden trips, Theatre trips and even a boat trip around Salhouse Broad.